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Mobility Transport 

When I attended primary school, I didn't have to worry about getting to and from school as my parents used to drive me there and pick me up but when I transitioned into secondary school, this was when I needed help with getting to and from school as it was located six miles away, I also was starting to have difficulty with walking, ataxia and my mobility so trying to catch a bus was out of the question! 


This is where my Educational Health Care Plan was invaluable as transport was included within my plan where a taxi/mini bus would pick me up from my house and drop me off to the school and then the same coming home - this followed onto my college days too and is something I would recommend to take the worry away about travelling to and from school.  

Now I have left education and am looking into possibly working or volunteering, my EHCP has ceased but there is a scheme called 'access to work' which is a great way for individuals to be able to get to and from work if they struggle to use transport.  I used this scheme when I was attending my internship and it became invaluable to me as I had transport to and from my destination.  Access to work is offered to individuals who have a physical or mental condition or disability.  Access to work can provide you with other additional support such as specialist equipment and assistive software.​


Below is the link if this will help you - k/government/publications/access-to-work-factsheet/access-to-work-factsheet-for-customers ​


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